a case of 2000 is about 40 dollars at a local store so there selling you about 50 for one dollar and a paintball for about two cents. but the actual manufacturing is probably less than once cent, but transportation, shipping and profit make it more expensive. Id say about 18 dollars for 2000
Around $25 for 2000.
The cost for paintballs at Delta Force Paintball is as follows... England and Wales * £5.99 per 100, when bought in bulk (2000 paintballs) * £6.99 per 100, when bought in small quantities Scotland * £6.99 per 100, when bought in bulk (2000 paintballs) * £7.99 per 100, when bought in small quantities
Depreciation of manufacturing equipment is fixed cost because that cost will incurred no matter how much units produced.
20 cents
as much as the union wants it to be
Manufacturing cost is variable cost.
A hopper topper of 100 balls is $5.00, a bag of 500 balls is $25.00, and a case of 2,000 balls are $65.00.
Is fire a selling cost, direct manufacturing cost, indirect manufacturing cost, administrative cost, foxed cost or variable cost.
manufacturing cost refers to varaiable costs
The main difference between licensing and contract manufacturing is the cost of doing business. Licensing manufacturing will require an agreement much like a franchise. The main entity supplies most of the products to conduct business. In contract manufacturing, the cost of materials is with the maker making it higher cost.
is direct cost a? Selling cost, manufacturing costs, direct, manufacturing cost indirect, general and administrative cost, fixed cost , variable cost, is direct cost a? Selling cost, manufacturing costs, direct, manufacturing cost indirect, general and administrative cost, fixed cost , variable cost,