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In used condition? around 10 dollars.

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Q: How much can you sell your cybrid paintball gun for?
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Related questions

Is the cybrid striker a good paintball gun?

No. Cybrid has a reputation for poor quality guns that do not last after many games.

Do you need to pump a usa jt cybrid paintball gun?

No, it is semi automatic

How do you put a small c02 canister on a styker cybrid paintball gun?

you screw the adapter into the gun, and then the co2 cartridge.

Is s JT cybrid paintball mega kit a good gun?

No. Cybrid makes very low quality markers. You will get a better investment saving money and buying a more expensive marker.

What is the fps of a jt cybrid paintball gun?

depends on how you adjust it, most guns come in with a factory setting at 250 fps

What type of tank does a cybrid paintball gun use?

Co2. Buying a Hpa tank for a cybrid is money that should be spent on a better gun.

How much could you sell your paintball gun for?

****Answer**** Depends on what your selling.

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Can you attach a red dot sight to your stryker cybrid paintball gun?

No. It does not have any rails, nor is it accurate enough to need one.

Is there any way to fix a crossed paintball gun?

Idk but you can buy one from to buy one that lasts a long time and p.s. Buy the jt cybrid paintball gun for only $37.99 (+ shipping and handling) and it's a grat deal!

How do you sell your paintball gun?

eBay is the best way to sell

How much should you sell your paintball gun for?

It depends on which gun and what shape its in. In general, about 50-80% of the price of a new one.