Most paintball guns use an above hopper instead of magazines or clips like firearms. The standard hopper holds 200 rounds. Most magazines for paintball sim-markers are 30 rounds. No paintball guns use clips.
It depends on what type of marker it is, and what size of the paint you are using. Note: these numbers are average for 68-caliber paintballs (the most widely used size of paintballs). Your actual number can be higher if you use a smaller size of paintball (e.g. 50-caliber paintballs) If it's a hopper-fed, it could be somewhere from 100 to 200 on the average. If it's fed by a tube or some form of limited-paint format (like a paintball "magazine"), it could go from 10 to 20 paintballs or so.
About 8-9. Possibly 10-11 with an electric loader.
Reballs or "A-Balls" are rubber paintballs that when shot, do not break. Like the name implies, it is possible to use these over and over again. Many teams and fields use these type of paintballs to train with and to be cost effective.
That depends upon the size of the hopper . A common capacity would be around 200 paitnballs. In fact you could have one made that would carry many more, but that would make the weapon unwieldy for most people.
Monster balls are simply another brand of paintball. Many fields have banned Monster ball paintballs due to their excessively tough outer shell causing injuries on the field and damange to property.
The amount of gallons of water a washing machine can hold depends on whether it is a top loader or a front loader. Top loaders can hold about 25 gallons of water. A front loader can only hold about 5 gallons of water.
The number of yards a front end loader bucket will hold depends on the material. A front end loader will fit about 1.5 to 2 yards of topsoil.
Well when they made paintballs in the first place they were for "paintball guns" that farmers would use to mark cows and mark poles and such. In 1981 the very first paintball game happened when a few friends took these guns and played a game. After they had a lot of fun like a lot of paintball players do, after they played one of them named Bob Gurnsey made the first paintball gun and started selling them. After that the guns kept getting newer and better to this day. Now paintballs are made just to play the sport of paintball.
The number of paintballs in a pound can vary depending on the brand and size of the paintballs. On average, there are about 70-100 paintballs in a pound. It is recommended to check with the specific brand or manufacturer for accurate information.
It depends on the material, but they must be retested after so many years (depending on tank) if they pass, they can keep being used.
One. It was a single shot muzzle loader.