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The "paint" inside of a paintball isn't really paint, it is primarily polyethylene glycol which is water soluble and also found in food. They also contain dye. The "paint" doesn't exactly dry like normal paint, it evaporates and breaks down and leaves behind just the dye or a dry paste like residue depending on the paint's fill thickness.

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17y ago
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15y ago

Yes, eventually it will. It however dries to a waxy substance that is easily removed from clothes. Note that low quality and oil-based paintballs tend to stain!

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15y ago

the paint will not dry without being open to the air, so the question is how long will the shell be good and that depends on which paint you have, could be hours could be weeks

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Yes as well as rent

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Both seasons are great for paintball as long as you drink lots of water and take breaks when you feel hot and exhausted.

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I think everywhere but if youre not sure u should just go to a paintball field or your backyard or the woods for woodsball p pa pai pain paint paintb paintba paintbal paintball paintbal paintba paintb paint pain pai pa p

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It depends on the quality of the paint (better paint breaks easier). High end paint can break from being dropped with a slightly raised hand, where low end (walmart) paint must be thrown at the ground at fairly high speeds to break.

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If it breaks on impact, it would be almost instantaneously.

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because ps2 is rubbish

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Yes its legal. You cannot however take it on certain highways.

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first take a clear body and paint it white. then take the colors you want and spray. make sure you do this in the inside of the body.

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depending on if the paintball gun consists or plastic and metal i suggest that you take sand paper to the metal and rub the metal peices and then paint it with spray paint then after give the plasic a rub with sand paper and do the same but put tape over the parts you dont want painted