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Q: How does science make bungee jumping possible?
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How many injuries occur in during bungee jumping?

Bungee jumping is an extreme sport, and like any other high-risk activity, there is always a risk of injury or death. However, bungee jumping has become a safer activity in recent years with better equipment and safety standards. According to a study published in the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery in 2018, there were 17 documented deaths related to bungee jumping between 1986 and 2015. This study also found that the annual fatality rate for bungee jumping was 1 in 500,000 jumps, which makes bungee jumping relatively safe compared to other extreme sports. However, it is essential to note that these statistics may not include all the unregulated and non-commercial bungee jumps that occur worldwide. Therefore, if someone is considering bungee jumping, they should make sure that the operator is certified and reputable and follows established safety protocols to minimize the risks of injury or death.

What is advantage and disadvantage of bungee jumping?

advantage: It make you feel so fulfilling, tough and thrill. disadvantage: very risky sports

What companies make bungee cords?

There are many companies that make bungee cords. Some of them are: Regray, and UKTarps. Bungee cords can also be purchased from places such as Amazon, but should be done with caution.

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Natural phenomina make windsurfing possible. Science is merely a tool for measuring and understanding these phenomina.

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Utility of political science?

How to make everyone as happy as possible if it is utilitarism you are talking about.

What are the dangers of bungee jumping?

Possibility of neck, back, joint, or eye injury from the jolt.

How do you make life?

Well, you can go to a lot of fun places with the people you love and always go to your favorite places and restaurants. You can play games and maybe do something fun, but CRAZY like sky diving, riding a roller coaster, or bungee jumping! - Always remember YOLO! :)

How do you make life awesome?

Well, you can go to a lot of fun places with the people you love and always go to your favorite places and restaurants. You can play games and maybe do something fun, but CRAZY like sky diving, riding a roller coaster, or bungee jumping! - Always remember YOLO! :)

How do you make a question sentence using the word jumping?

"were you jumping on the couch?"

What are the health risks associated with bungee jumping?

Risks? ! None of course, it would make the Adrenaline runs faster nad more in your body, which is great for you heart ,brain, & mucles.. If it has any effect to health.. then its a 100% positive effect!..Enjoy jumping :)

The contribution of science and technology to business?

If science did not invent light bulbs and technology did not make it possible to make light bulbs then lots of people could not see very well at night