You would have to spend money getting paintball and other sports pads. Also you would be a very slow moving, large target. Paintball armor is not recommended for any players.
Have a degree in chemistry. Do not put anything in your gun besides air-tool lubricant (for mechanical guns), or actual paintball lube.
Paintball padding can be used to airsoft armor.
The standard paintball "armor" is a synthetic vest with sectioned parts of padding, to reduce impact. There are also padded pants available.
It is impossible to make homemade paintballs. Paintballs must have specific ingredients of fish oil,paint, water, and oil. As well as the ability to make it almost perfectly round and brittle.
Yes, there is.
Online If your Canadian PaintballGearCanada If your Amercian Local I recommend getting your stuff locally to make sure it fits.
Besides renting from a field, you can buy a paintball vest protector at most sporting goods stores, or other sports pads.
first you are going to need wood, and lots of it. then just find your favourite armor design and your bodily dimensions then make you armour
Yes, I can make homemade chili.
how to make a homemade confettie shooter blower