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Q: How do you have blow jump?
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Why does a car a Blow smoke when accelerating uphill and b after driving downhill blow smoke when accelerating back uphill?

its getting ready to explode. jump out quick

Why does your car shake when it backs up?

Cause it is going to frigin blow up jump out stupid.....

Why did your car blow up after you jumped it?

You might have caused a spark trying to jump off the vehicle

Do batteries stop working because you jump start them?

It is possible, especially if the battery is old. It is more likely however to blow something else electrical in your car. Before jump starting read the manufacturers recommendations on how to do it for your particular vehicle.

Can you jump start your harley using the battery tender wiring harness?

It is not possible to Jump Start your Harley using the battery tender wiring harness. The battery tender wiring harness has a 3amp inline fuse that will blow if you attempt to do this.

What would cause the ignitionstarter fuse 20 amp to constantly blow car starts but only with a larger amp fuse and a jump?

The starter is failing.

How do you blow dust from under the bed on shrink ray island?

Jump on top of the fan and it will move lower. Click the red button to turn it on and off.

They tried to jump your car but the radio fuse blew what happened?

There are many reasons a radio fuse can blow. However, if it happened while trying to jump-start a vehicle, most likely what happened is the cables were hooked up to the battery backwards.

How do you kill the fish on Luigi's revenge?

it is tricky because the fish might jump up on your sides but it is not really hard ,all you need to do is jump over left and right until he comes,and then when he flys over the sky,jump on it's head, and it will make it blow up once you do it a few times and that fish is dead!

Will jump starting another car harm my car?

It can. Some new cars warn against jump starting another car. Others have special locations to put the jumper cables. I have seen people blow out fuses doing it wrong. Call a tow truck for the jump. They are trained, and if they cause a problem, you have some recourse.

What would cause your automatic door lock fuse to blow during a jump start on a 2000 Navigator?

Power surge. Replace the fuse and it should be OK.

Legend of Zelda where is the monkey with basket?

You have to climb up a vine and there will be a man sitting on top. Jump across to the next platform. there will be a grass growing there, you can either ignore it or blow it, if you blow it you can know down the bees nest by aiming the hawk at it. keep going (jumping) onto the house and the next few platforms you will find another grass blow that and aim it a t the monkey