There is always the temptation to take some fine steel wool and scrub the rust away but that is likely a poor choice. Firearms restoration attempts to preserve as much of the original finish as possible.
Bronze wool and oil. Will remove the rust with out damage to the finish. No steel wool it will remove bluing. If you can not find wool, use a wheat penny (all copper) and oil. Will do the same as the bronze wool.
Good luck.
yes in fact it is.!
Pour tomato sauce on thee rusty stove. Wipe of only after 10 minutes
clean out the inside of your rusty gas tank!
slake lime [NaOH]
With a hose, a scrub brush and some soap.
It can be, yes. Especially if the nails are rusty.
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I assume you mean GUM, and not GUN. Chewing gum does not effectively clean your teeth.
it mean dirty nasty and not clean i wouldn't dare call my child rusty that is a stupid if you name your child then good luck
With great difficulty, as the discoloration is likely to have sunk into the porcelain.
The Clean Gun - 1917 was released on: USA: 26 October 1917
After every use.