a paintball grenade works by having the paint under pressure, most commonly by using rubber tubing. when it is thrown, there are two small balls that hold the paint in that pop out releasing the paint in multiple directions.
Unlike explosive grenades, paintball grenades work on elasticity. They are rubber tubes filled with paint and a stopper (usually a small ball bearing). When their pin is released (which can be a metal ring or just a plastic wrapper) they are thrown. After hitting something (must be hard enough) the pressure from the paint will push out the stopper, causing spin and sending streams of paint around the area. If you are hit with ANY of the paint, you are out.
Usually (if the game has grenades) you press "g".
standard blast radius is around 3-8 feet
Paintball grenades are a great outdoor sports option. The most highly regarded paintball grenade brand would be Empire. Another good brand is Tippmann.
Not really. They get stale pretty quickly, some fields will not let you bring your own grenades, have a small paint radius, and are notoriously easy to wipe.
No, no paintball guns work on hydrogen.
No, it cannot. Two entirely different systems of operation.
time delay grenades work by pulling the pin and throwing it immediately to active its explosion.
time delay grenades work by pulling the pin to active its explosion then throwing it immediately before it blows your hand off!
paintball grenade launchers aren't really grenades. They resemble something more like a shotgun. A cartridge is loaded with several small paintballs and then charged up from a separate air tank. So it contains it's own rounds and enough co2 for one shot. when you pull the trigger all the balls fire at once in a spread.
Paintball stores usually wont hire anyone under the age of 18.
No, you should use only paintball specific of air tool lubricant.