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Q: How can we test the speed of a parachute?
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How does the size or shape of a parachute affect the way it works?

If the hole is bigger the parachute speed will decrease

Will changing the weight of a parachute effect on the speed?

Changing the weight of a parachute will affect its descent speed. A heavier parachute will fall faster while a lighter parachute will fall more slowly. This is because the weight influences the drag force acting on the parachute during descent.

How do you control the speed of a parachute?

The speed of a parachute can be controlled by adjusting the steering toggles or brakes. By pulling down on one side more than the other, the parachute will turn and potentially slow down. Additionally, body position can also affect the speed at which a parachute descends.

What is the average speed of a parachute?

The average speed of a parachute descent is typically around 5-15 miles per hour, depending on factors such as wind conditions, weight of the parachutist, and size of the parachute.

When parachute falling at steady speed is it balanced or unbalanced?

When a parachute is falling at a steady speed, the forces acting on it are balanced. The force of gravity pulling the parachute downward is equal to the air resistance pushing upward, resulting in a state of equilibrium.

Why does a skydiver loose speed when he opens his parachute?

A skydiver loses speed when he opens the parachute because the parachute creates drag by slowing down the movement of air. This drag force opposes the motion of the skydiver, causing a decrease in speed. Additionally, the larger surface area of the parachute increases the effect of air resistance on the skydiver's body.

Does the amount of holes in a parachute affect the speed it travels?

yes, if the parachute has holes then it might go slow to were it's traveling

What is the skydiver's downward velocity?

Maximum speed is about 220 to 230mph and can be achieved after about 20 seconds of freefall. Normal parachute opening speed should be not greater that 120mph to avoid damage to the parachute

What form of energy is used when a parachute falling at a steady speed?

When a parachute is falling at a steady speed, the primary form of energy being used is gravitational potential energy being converted into kinetic energy. As the parachute falls, the force of gravity acting on it is balanced by air resistance, resulting in a constant speed descent.

How is acceleration due to gravity be zero in a parachute?

In the case of a parachute, the person and parachute fall at a constant speed once the forces acting on them are balanced. This means that the net acceleration, including gravity, is zero. Gravity is still acting on the person and parachute, but it is balanced by the drag force exerted by the parachute, resulting in a constant speed descent.

Why does a person loss speed if he opens parachute?

When a person opens a parachute, it creates drag or air resistance which slows down the descent rate. The larger the parachute, the more drag is created, and the slower the person falls. This helps to reduce the speed and control the descent for a safe landing.

What are ways to run faster?

Run with a parachute. It improves your speed and stamina.