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Paintball lenses are rated much higher then airsoft lenses are. However your grill (the part over your nose and mouth) might have slots and holes that an airsoft pellet can get through.

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Q: Does the extreme rage xray v2.0 paintball mask protect against airsoft?
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How do you protect yourself while playing airsoft in the summer?

A good way to protect urself playing airsoft is by using glasses to protect your eyes, this is the most important. A thin shirt and some shorts will do.

Is z87 plus for airsoft?

If you are talking about the safety glasses then they are not specifically meant for airsoft, but they should be strong enough to protect against bb's. I would strongly recommend using either full seal goggles and a lower half face mask, or a full face paintball mask, as glasses alone allow bb's to enter from the sides or top in some situations. Lack of lower face protection allows for getting hit in the tooth with a bb, which will cause permanent damage to your teeth.

Does paintball gear and dirt bike gear protect the same amount?

no dirt bike gear is just a helmet and jacket, but paintball gear is a helmet a paintball gun and padding

Would wood working glasses work for airsoft... The box said the glases woulg protect against flying wood chips so would they work for airsoft?

Your Eye's are important to you. They are all you have, do you want to risk that to save a few dollars. Don't be foolish.

Is sweat a natural defense against extreme heat?

No, it keeps the body cool under the normal range of temperatures experienced on Earth, but would not protect you from the extreme heat of a fire.

Can you use a airsoft gun with out eye protection?

It would be foolish to do so. Always protect your eyes.

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A volcano suit typically includes heat-resistant materials, such as Nomex or Kevlar, to protect against extreme temperatures. It also features a built-in respirator or mask to filter out harmful ash and gases. Additionally, the suit may have reinforced padding to shield against impacts and burns.

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They don't protect their young they have to do it by themselves

Does revolution protect against ticks?

No, revolution does not protect against ticks.

What should you know about airsoft?

How to properly maintain your gun, gear, how to protect yourself (glasses, facemasks, etc)

Do airsoft vests protect you?

Not really. I mean it stops an airsoft shot, but it will not properly defend you during a terrorist attack, or nuclear fallout You can buy airsoft plate carriers, which could technically hold bullet proof plates in them, but they are not meant for this and should not be used in that way. But you can buy airsoft proof plates which will absorb pretty much the whole force of a bb's impact, effectively protecting you from airsoft guns if that is what you meant.