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Q: Does bungee jumping apply to Newton's third law of motion?
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Is there a governing body that regulates bungee jumping?

There is no governing body for bungee jumping in the uk, there is however one in Sweden but it doesn't apply to us it is specifically for Sweden.

How do Newtons Laws of motion apply to the motion of an animal?


How do newtons law of motion apply to the motion of an animal such as a cat that is running?

Newtons Laws apply to the motion of an animal such as a cat that is running because an object at rest will remain at rest unless it is acted on by an unbalanced force. A cat running remains in motion until it becomes tired or it is stopped by another force.

How do newtons laws of motion apply to the motion of an animal such as a cat that is running?

Newtons Laws apply to the motion of an animal such as a cat that is running because an object at rest will remain at rest unless it is acted on by an unbalanced force. A cat running remains in motion until it becomes tired or it is stopped by another force.

How does newtons law of motion apply to a bridges' efficiency?

I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.

What are the possible questions in the laws of motion?

Some possible questions related to the laws of motion include: What are Newton's three laws of motion? How do forces affect the motion of an object? How can we apply Newton's laws to analyze real-world situations?

Does newtons first law apply to bicycling?

Yes, Newton's first law of motion applies to bicycling. It states that an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force. When you're riding a bike, you will keep moving forward at a constant speed unless you apply the brakes or encounter obstacles that cause you to stop.

How does force affect the motion of an object?

If you apply force to an object, you accelerate it. If you apply the force in the direction that the object is moving, you speed it up. If you apply it in the opposite direction, you slow it down. If you apply the force in another direction than the object is moving in you will change the direction of the objects motion. The amount of acceleration is given by a = F/m where a is acceleration, F is force and m is the mass of the object.

How does newtons third law apply to gymnastics?

The third law of motion states "To every action there is always opposed and equal reaction" In Gymnastics this would be useful in jumping (the force against the ground produces an equal and opposite force to lift the gymnast), lifting (the partner moves away from the lifters push), throwing balls or other objects, etc.

Does newtons third law apply to baseball?


How does newtons law of motion apply to a cat running?

Newton's laws apply to a cat running because, the cats gravity to the ground, it's acceleration forward and the action/reaction of the cats paws pushing back off the ground springing it forward.

How much newtons of force does an elephant apply when it steps?