Yes they do! They work great and are perfect for snap shooting and the like, however it is reccomended to Chrony no higher than 220 FPS. They are heavier than regular paintballs and they do not break open so there is a lot more energy when they hit the target.
Paintball hurts MUCH more than airsoft. The reason that Paintball hurts more than Airsoft is because the speed of the paintball is faster and the mass is also larger. Take an Airsoft BB and a paintball and look at the difference in size. Now, when you figure that Paintball markers have much greater speed than an Airsoft gun, you will find that Paintball will and should hurt more.
airsoft is more fun played both airsoft is more realistic
No, paintball is more commonly known and is more popular. The last person was correct but I'll give a more detailed answer. Paintball is more popular than Airsoft but more young kids play Airsoft because it's not as dangerous. Paintball players normally start at around 13 while Airsoft players normally start around 11. Airsoft is something that you can do in the back yard, while Paintball is something you normally need to go to a place that hosts Paintball games for.
In my opinion airsoft wars do not hurt but yet I play paintball. But it really matter what fps the airsoft gun is and how close they are to you and if they are shooting you once. But really airsoft does't pack a punch in the hit it just stings a little bit.
Paintball padding can be used to airsoft armor.
It's not the sport that matters but how you play it. If you are stupid and don't wear masks then neither of them are safe. Paintballs hurt worse but in airsoft you get hit much more often. In paintball after about your second game you get used to getting hit and it doesn't hurt as bad. The same thing goes for airsoft. But when you think about it airsoft runs off batteries and paintball runs off of Co2 and HpA. So the only way you couldn't be safe in paintball is by not following the rules and not keeping good care of your gun parts and tanks. Hope this helps a little......Personally i play paintball. Send me a message if you have any more questions. Noobhelper 2 Paintball and airsoft are both safe if you know what you are doing and follow safety rules. If the question is what hurts worse, paintball will usually tend to sting more, but airsoft guns can vary in fps, (feet per second), and paintball guns have a set fps speed that fields will only allow (a limit), so you may run into airsoft guns that hurt worse than others, and paintball guns won't vary too much.
Paintball gun. You can see where you hit your target. I disagree, if you are looking for a more realistic looking weopon then use an airsoft gun
Airsoft just surpassed paintball in popularity.
Certified psp paintball bunkers
A paintball sniper rifle can shoot father.
This question cannot be answered objectively, It is whatever you think is "best." If you want an actual comparison you need to ask specific questions like "which is more realistic" or "which is more available." Like he/she said, it depends on what you like. If you want realistic battles, Airsoft is most likely going to be more fun. If you like a game that will really hurt when you get shot, Paintball would be more fun. It's all a matter of opinion and what you like.