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hi my dad and i are looking to buy a few pinball guns. i live in western Australia pinjarra and we live on a 5 acre block. we have done some research but all of the sights are not applicable for where we live. what licensing do we need for maybe 4 pinball guns and how much will it cost??. please help because i really want to get some paintball guns

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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

To start a paintball field you must have the equipment, permits, insurance, and a license. If you do not the field will not be able to open and/or you could face charges.

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Q: Do you need a license for a paintball site?
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Where do you get a license for a paintball field?

You would need zoning permits and insurance to open a paintball field.

How do you get a paintball gun license?

yo dont need one

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Cheap but good paintball scopes not dot sight?

Truthfully, You don't really need an optical zoom site. A red dot is the most you need for paintball. Paintball markers arn't accurate enough to utilize a optical zoom site correctly.

How old do you have to be to get a paintball gun license?

You don't need a license to carry a paintball gun in the United States. To purchase a marker you must be 18 , to play at a field, insurance requires that you be ten, but can sign a wavier for yourself at 18.

Do you need a paintball license if you want a paintball gun?

No there is no licence required to purchase/operate a paintball marker. In order to play you must be at least ten (at most places) and 18 to purchase a marker, balls, or CO2.

Can you sell paintball guns in New York city?

There is no place in the US that requires a permit/license for paintball markers.

What is the best site to get paintball guns?


Where can you find a paintball pawn shop?

Though Paintball markers can be sold to pawn shops and Paintball stores, there are no specific "paintball pawn shops." The link attached is a site where markers can be bought, sold and traded.

Do you need to have certain skills in order to play paintball?

There is no licence required to own/play paintball. You must be 10 to play, and 18 to buy almost anything related to paintball.No, there is no permit or license required to purchase or operate a paintball marker. However you must be at least 18 to buy one.