The majority of hoppers have a standard neck, and most feednecks (where they attach) are adjustable. The only large difference in sizing are the Tippmann A5 hoppers, which are many inches across, to feed the cyclone feed, and .50 hoppers, which cannot fit standard paintballs.
No. Hoppers meant for the cyclone feed will only fit the cyclone feed.
Most systems will fit adjustable feednecks. The only major size differences are .50 caliber hoppers, and the tippmann cyclone hoppers, which have very large feedholes.
there are no hoppers that are just for speedball or just for woodsball, as long as it has a standard neck like 99% of hoppers out there do, yes it will work
No, all (modern) hoppers have a standard feed neck size and will fit onto any gun (except for cyclone feeds).
All of them. hoppers have a standard feed neck size and the azodin neck is adjustable.
Yes. All tanks and remotes have a standard ASA thread.
twister makes barrels in all the standard threads.
No, they will not both fit unless you have it custom fitted.
No, they are different magazines and will not fit each other. The Mrx holds 10 rounds, the t68 holds 20.
You must get a Spyder threaded one for it to fit.