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Yes, you can keep a tank on for a significant amount of time without losing any air assuming you have no leaks. You can tell if you have a leak if you hear a hissing sound from your gun or see frost or a liquid from any place where air goes.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Absolutely! You can reuse Co2 if it is full, empty, or half full. Though make sure you change your O-Ring (The small plastic ring on the top of the tank nozzle). If you do not, you will either A. not be able to put the take on, or B. Get the tank stuck on the gun.

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14y ago

No, keeping it in the gun means it stores pressure outside. After a while it will loose pressure from any minute leaks you have, and you will not be able to fix or clean you gun as well as not being able to fill your tank.

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14y ago

Yes. You will loose 5-10 shots every time you take it out, but any tank with a valve can be unscrewed and stored for later. 12 gram cartridges cannot.

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Q: Can you reuse a CO2 container once it is unscrewed from a paintball gun but still has CO2 in it?
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