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Paintball guns, powered by compressed air, are not firearms, and therefore they may be possessed.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

No, because it's a toy that is sold over the counter.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes as long as u keep the orange tip

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Q: Can convicted felons have paintball guns in Virginia?
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Can convicted felons own or possess bb guns in minnesota?

No, convicted felons may not own BB guns, pellet guns, air rifles, dart guns, tasers, or any other similar weapon.

Wisconsin convicted felons to acquire gun license?

Felons cannot own or possess guns anywhere in the U.S.

What happens when convicted felons purchase guns in Virginia?

They cannot lawfully purchase firearms - therefore - if the are in possession of one they are in violation of BOTH Virginia AND federal law. Federal law calls for up to 15 years in prison.

Can convicted felons own or possess bb guns or air rifles in LA?

By federal law, no.

Is a person convicted of a class 4 felony in Illinois eligible to own guns?

No. Federal law prohibits felons from owning guns.

Can a ex felon own a paintball gun in Virginia?

Yes, they do not do a background chek when you order one.

Are convicted felons in California required to get rid of firearms they all ready own prier to there conviction?

Convicted felons cannot own or possess firearms in any state in the U.S. This includes guns you already own.

Paint ball guns in Minnesota?

It is legal. Paintball guns are not considered firearms there for a felon can. There is even some USPL players that are ex felons (USPL is the professional league)

Is a air soft gun considered a illegal firearm for convicted felons or parolees?

No, there is no background check for airsoft guns, however, having airsoft guns that might be confused for firearms is a terrible idea for felons or parolees.

Can a convicted felon have a gun in his own home in Georgia?

No. Felons are prohibited from owning or possessing guns everywhere in the U.S.

Can convicted felons buy guns?

No. Federal law, covered everywhere in the US. Has been law since 1968.

Can you own a gun in Mississippi being convicted of a felon?

No. Felons cannot own or possess guns in any U.S. state.