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No, no matter if its an airsoft gun, I know this cause when I was a kid I shot one of my nieghbors kid with a bb gun and they callled pierce county sherriffs and they ran my moms namr and said they could arrest her cause their was a bb gun in our house lol.

This is not true, I know Washington gun laws completely, Yes you can own one, it is not a firearm, it shoots air. not explosive propellant, In other words people say no on these questions without knowing the actual law simply because they hate felons.

^^^ correct, paintball markes are considered sporting equipment not firearms

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17y ago

Unless there is some weird specific restriction placed upon said felon (like in the case of a paintball related crime being comitted), there shouldn't be any restrictions against it.

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16y ago

Yes a felon can hunt with a bow once he or she is off parole.I know this for a fact because i am a felon.

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15y ago

It more so depends on your area. Obviously, an urban city like area would cause many problems. Though if you live in a wooded area, most counties do not care as long as you do not vandalize.

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13y ago

Can a felon that is no-longer on parole deer hunt with a cross bow in Michigan

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13y ago

He can possess one, but if he is caught with one in his possession, he will be charged with felony firearms.

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Q: Can a felon in Michigan own and fire a paintball gun?
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A felon can not hunt with a gun or bow in Georgia.

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Yes. A paintball gun is not considered a firearm therefore a felon can purchase a paintball gun in Texas.

Can a felon have a paintball gun in Oregon?

I hope not...

What is the purpose of a paintball gun?

The purpose of a paintball gun is to fire paintball pellets, to mark opponents in the game of paintball.

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Can a felon own a gun in Michigan?

In the state of Michigan, not only can a felon not own a gun, if he is caught in close proximity to a gun, no matter how disabled it is or impossible for him to access, he can and will often be charged with Felony Firearms.

Can a ex felon own a paintball gun in Virginia?

Yes, they do not do a background chek when you order one.

Does your paintball gun need co2 to be semi-automatic?

A paintball gun needs CO2 (or HPA) to fire at all.

Do you need to get a paintball co2 tank to fire the brass eagle paintball gun or can you just pull back the knob?

you need Co2 to fire any paintball gun, it is what physically moves the ball out of the barrel.

Can a convicted felon bow hunt in Michigan?

can a convicted felon hunt deer with a bow or a gun

Is a paintball gun a firearm in ny?

No. A paintball gun is not considered a fire arm anywhere because it does not use an explosion to propel a metal object.

What are the laws of paintball in Ohio?

Similar to most states. Keep the gun away in public, don't shoot in public, only take it out in a paintball shop or field. Do not fire towards houses. Basically, any firearm rules apply to paintball.