Cutco knives are extremely good. I have a whole set of them. They are the most precise knives I have ever used. You won't be disappointed if you purchase some.
Cutco knives are made in the USA. Other products by Cutco, including some kitchen appliances, may contain parts made in China, however, their knives are made entirely in America.
Whether or not you think Cutco is a good company is completely opinion; however it is a fact that Cutco is a great product. It can do anything you need it to do in the kitchen or respected areas that the products are marketed which proves that the pieces have great value.
A filet knife has a very flexible blade and is used to filet the skin and flesh from a fish.
Cutco was created in 1949.
Yes, vector marketing is a sales arm of the Cutco corporation. The two arms of the Cutco corporation is vector marketing and Cutco cutlery. Vector marketing is a sales group.
You might be able to get by with a GED, but they tend to be a bit selective about who they'll hire on, especially since people in this economy are a bit less eager to buy high dollar kitchen knives (even if they are of such quality as the Cutco knives are).
Look up "Kershaw Stilettos" Kershaw makes good knives all around
There is nothing illegal about CutCo's marketing strategy or their sales technique, but it doesn't work for all people. Some participants end up feeling cheated. Some participants end up making this a career choice. It works something like this. College students and other young people are attracted by exagerrated promises of how much money they can earn. Some ads even make it sound like there is an hourly wage. There is no wage. There is a base pay per appointment or commissions on sales of knives. But before you can sell anything you have to buy the expensive demo set of knives from CutCo. The demo set is discounted, and is used in lieu of actual inventory. Then they teach you how to build your base starting with family and friends to sell knives. Some people sell sets to family members, but then don't choose to go any further. Many choose to expand their base from this initial pool. CutCo wins because they sold a demo set and a set or two to the person's family members. Whether or not the rep also wins and is successful depends on the rep.
You want to have a nice looking polished serrated knife with a clean black handle. Make sure it is sharp!
For which purpose? When it comes to kitchen knives, Cutco Knives are superior to anything else on the market, and are less expensive than comparable brands. For combat knives, you can't go wrong with Ka Bar or SOG. If you're looking for something like a Swiss Army knive, the original - Victrinox - is the best, hands down. Can't really give much more of an answer without knowing what exactly you're using it for.
The closest company named Cutco to the 718 area code (New York City, excluding Manhattan) is Cutco Cutlery in East Brunswick, New Jersey, in area code 732 and overlay area code 848.
Chris Reeve knives have a good reputation because the knives are affordable and well priced. In addition, the knives are very helpful and effective to use.