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No, bungee cords are fun, but they are not as safe as people think. In 1500, a boy fell to his death.

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Q: Are bungee cords as safe as people think?
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Related questions

What do you need for bungy jumping?

In order to have a fun and safe bungee jumping experience a bungee cord and a bridge is needed.

Is it safe to go bungee jumping with no rope?

Yes. However, bungee jumping without a bungee chord will probably result in serious injury or, more likely, death.

Is it safe to bungee jump after brain surgery?

Its fine!! As long as you dont have sex before bungee jumping!

What sports are relatively safe?

Bungee jumping

How effective is a cord cover for the price?

I think that you will probably need at least 3 or 4. That will keep your cords safe and your family safe. You can find them at most general stores like Target.

How safe exactly is a bungee jump?

Bungee jumping is an extreme sport that has been around for over a decade. It is popular with the younger crowd and is on many people's bucket lists. Bungee jumping is actually very safe as there are many safety measure in place. However it seems as if it is more unsafe because when something does fail, it makes national headlines. Bungee jumping is safer that roller coaster, ants, or even driving a car. As long as a reputable company is used death is highly unlikely. Sometimes there are injuries but those are comparable to any sport.

Can you use disinfecting wipes to clean cords for electronic devices?

Disinfecting wipes are safe to use to clean electronic cords as long as the cords are not plugged in and allowed to dry completely.

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How many injuries occur in during bungee jumping?

Bungee jumping is an extreme sport, and like any other high-risk activity, there is always a risk of injury or death. However, bungee jumping has become a safer activity in recent years with better equipment and safety standards. According to a study published in the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery in 2018, there were 17 documented deaths related to bungee jumping between 1986 and 2015. This study also found that the annual fatality rate for bungee jumping was 1 in 500,000 jumps, which makes bungee jumping relatively safe compared to other extreme sports. However, it is essential to note that these statistics may not include all the unregulated and non-commercial bungee jumps that occur worldwide. Therefore, if someone is considering bungee jumping, they should make sure that the operator is certified and reputable and follows established safety protocols to minimize the risks of injury or death.

What is the form you sign when bungee jumping?

Most bungee places require jumpers to sign release forms and waivers before they are allowed to jump. You should also check that the site is certified and safe before plummeting to the earth.

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