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It's good to realize that you need help to exercise properly. There's no point trying to figure everything out for yourself. It is always less painful to learn from the failures and successes of others. You do not say what kind of exercise you want to do. However, you should do both fitness and strength exercise.You only need a good pair of walking shoes to do fitness exercise. You should be going for a brisk walk every day. "Brisk" means walking at a 4 mph pace. If you are not now walking, just go for a walk until you are comfortably tired. Do that every day and slightly increase your distance until you are eventually walking for two miles. Then slightly increase your pace each time until you are walking those two miles in just under 30 minutes. Then, if you want, you may increase your walk to 3 or 4 miles. You should average 2 miles daily if you do not need to lose body fat. If you do need to lose body fat, walk at least 3 miles daily (and not more than 6). For strength training, you may be able to purchase some used equipment and have your own home gym. You just need some basics like an olympic barbell set, a bench, and a power rack to start with. Remember: these are investments that you will use the rest of your life. Alternatively, perhaps you can use a commercial gym or find someone who has a home gym you can use. Perhaps there is a local college or a YMCA that has a gym you can use. There are plenty of good books and DVD's that will show you how to train properly. You need to focus on the basics: (full) squats, deadlifts, rows, presses, dips, and chins. Perhaps the best book is Stuart McRobert's BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT. There are also DVD's that are readily available that will teach you how to use excellent exercise technique. If you want to find a way to exercise, you will be able to do so. Train in good health!

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Q: You need help and want to exercise but live where there are no programs of interest what is the best exercise?
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