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Well my friend, that's a very fast 1 mile run time as it is. Right now I'm running about a 7 minute 1 mile. There's no real professional answer to this, more like advice. This may appear as a bit one-sided but it's the best thing that works for myself, and everyone else in my unit. If you're going more for speed, the best thing to do would be to do sprints. Since you said you have a lot of homework on your hands, sounds to me like you don't exactly have time to be running over to the gym... and since you're 13, you obviously don't have a car to take yourself anywhere. So here's something you could do. Run around your neighborhood (But wear a reflective belt and wear bright and colorful clothing. I'm assuming you'll be running after school, and probably a bit later in the evening when it's cooler outside.) Every time there's a light pole, or a street sign, or a tree or something.... sprint to the next one. But make sure they're at least 100 yards apart. Once you come to your next checkpoint (Tree, sign... whatever you're using) slow it down to your normal pace. Keep going until you hit your next checkpoint, and sprint again until you reach the next one.... and so on and so forth. If you find it to be too easy, just make your sprints longer distances. You should cut off about 20-30 seconds in the first couple weeks.

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Q: You are 13 and you have a mile of 6 min 12 sec and you want to decrease that time to 5 min in three months how can you do it with lots of homework on your hands?
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