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Q: Why was the Enlightenment important in promoting sport and physical education in the young nation and who were some of the leaders in this promotion of sport for exercise?
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Which was the most importany concept of the enlightenment?

One of the most important concepts of the Enlightenment was the belief in reason and rational thinking as tools for understanding the world and improving society. Enlightenment thinkers emphasized the importance of individual rights, freedom of thought, and the promotion of science and education.

Which impact of the enlightenment is most important?

One of the most important impacts of the Enlightenment was the promotion of reason, individualism, and skepticism in challenging traditional authority and promoting democratic ideals. This laid the foundation for the modern concepts of liberty, equality, and human rights.

How can the national education association impact your career?

Directly none. Indirectly it can by stopping poor laws in Congress, by promoting research, and promotion of education nationally.

What were some of the most important effects of the Enlightenment?

Some important effects of the Enlightenment include the promotion of reason, individualism, and human rights, which laid the foundation for democratic principles and the spread of secularism. It also led to advancements in science, medicine, and technology, as well as increased emphasis on education and the pursuit of knowledge.

What word means a move to a more important job in a company or an organization?

That's called 'promoting' or 'promotion'.

What is the legacy of the Enlightenment?

The legacy of the Enlightenment includes the promotion of reason, individualism, and human rights. It also laid the foundation for modern science and the emphasis on progress and education in society. The Enlightenment has had a lasting impact on shaping democratic ideals and institutions around the world.

What is the abstract noun for the word promote?

The abstract noun forms for the verb to promote are promotion, promoter, and the gerund, promoting.A promotion.

What step did Catherine the great take that is consistent with the enlightenment ideas?

considering a law code that would treat allcitizens equally

What is promotion of a venture?

promoting a new business

What is promotion of venture?

promoting a new business

Why is promoting a business important?

The promotion is vital in many organisation as it places the company and its product in view of old, existing and potential customers.

Which idea underlay the establishment of museums during the Age of Enlightenment?

Education is a desirable aim for all of humankind