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when you are running,u get tons of exercise. when you are playing a sport, you are running, normally. if you are practicing, then you are getting exercise as-well. you can also learn a lot about keeping your self at full health when you play sports! right on!!

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14y ago
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13y ago

Sports are good for your health because they are very amusing bu at the same time your exercising and exercising make you sweat and when you sweat you lose weight. that is why sports are good for your health

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17y ago

it cant make u gay

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Q: Why sport is good for your health?
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Is sport good for your health?

Sports is an essential element for living a healthy life style. It keeps and person healthy, wealthy and wise.

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you can use the word good sport in a sentence when you are saying that game was good today you were a very good sport. That is a very good sentence to use for good sport.

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