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five reasons to do exercise

1. Exercise helps to elevate your mood.

Whether you need to relieve stress after a long day or you are feeling a bit down, spending 20 or 30 minutes performing some kind of physical activity will make you feel better. When someone gets their heart rate elevated, their brain releases some feel-good chemicals that help them to feel more relaxed. Exercising regularly can help with anxiety and depression, too.

2. Exercise can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Many people struggle with their weight and if you have ever tried to manage it by dieting alone, you know how difficult it is. A better strategy is to combine a healthy diet with regular exercise. Physical activity gives your metabolism a boost and makes it easier for you to burn calories.

3. Regular exercise will help you sleep better at night.

When you are more physically active, you may find that you are able to fall asleep easier and stay asleep longer. The quality of your sleep improves and you are much better able to deal with the demands of your day, no matter what it throws at you.

4. Exercise strengthens your heart and lungs.

Your heart is a muscle, and when you get regular exercise, you are actually helping to strengthen it. If your heart is able to do its job more efficiently, your whole body functions better. As a result, you will have a lot more energy and when you are not struggling to get through the day, you will be better able to enjoy life.

5. Being physically active can improve your sex life.

That's a good reason to make plans to include exercise in your routine. If you find that you are too tired to be interested in sex, then start exercising. It will give your energy levels a boost, which means that your interest in being intimate will come back. When we feel better about ourselves, we are more confident, in the bedroom and outside of it.

Since exercise improves circulation, men who make a point of exercising regularly are less likely to experience erectile dysfunction as they get older. This is another good reason to stop being a couch potato.

The good news about getting motivated to exercise is that once you establish the habit of being physically active, it will be less of a chore for you. It will probably take about 30 days before this change in your routine is a habit, and that doesn't seem like a long time to wait to get used to doing something that is going to improve your life in so many wonderful ways. Even if you start with a daily walk around the block or a game of one-on-one in your own driveway, you'll start to see improved strength, endurance and energy.

Now get off the couch and get started!

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15y ago
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14y ago

Other than being extremely healthy to exercise everyday, it is proven that 20 minutes of exercise a day can prevent memory deterioration.

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13y ago

so u can stay healthy and have a fit body so u can do more stuff

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12y ago

we do exercise for we could loose some weigh

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12y ago

you need to exercise daily so your body will stay up and running and so you don't die at a early age

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