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1. Improved Performance, Decreased Injury Risk

A safe and effective flexibility training program increases physical performance. A flexible joint greatly decreases your risk of injury--it has the ability to move through a greater range of motion and requires less energy to do so. Stretching decreases resistance in tissue structures; you are, therefore, less likely to become injured by exceeding tissue extensibility (maximum range of tissues) during activity.

2. Reduced Muscle Soreness

Recent studies show that slow, static stretching helps reduce muscle soreness after exercise. Static stretching involves a slow, gradual and controlled elongation of the muscle through the full range of motion, held for 15-30 seconds, in the furthest comfortable position (without pain).

3. Improved Posture

Stretching also improves muscular balance and posture. Many people's soft-tissue structures have adapted poorly to either the effects of gravity or poor postural habits. Stretching can help realign soft tissue structures, thus reducing the effort it takes to achieve and maintain good posture in the activities of daily living.

4. Reduced Risk of Low Back Pain

Stretching reduces the risk of low Back pain by promoting muscular relaxation. A muscle in constant contraction requires more energy to accomplish activities. Flexibility in the hamstrings, hip flexors, quadriceps, and other muscles attaching to the pelvis reduces stress to the low back. Stretching causes muscular relaxation, which results in reduction of accumulated toxins, less muscle shortening or tightening, and less fatigue.

5. Increased Blood and Nutrients to Tissues

Another great benefit: stretching increases blood supply and nutrients to joint structures. Stretching increases tissue temperature, which in turn increases circulation and nutrient transport. This allows greater elasticity of surrounding tissues and increases performance. Stretching also increases joint synovial fluid, which is a lubricating fluid that promotes the transport of more nutrients to the joints' articular cartilage. This allows a greater range of motion and reduces joint degeneration.

6. Improved Muscle Coordination

Another little-known benefit of stretching is increased neuromuscular coordination. Studies show that nerve-impulse velocity (the time it takes an impulse to travel to the brain and back) is improved with stretching. This helps opposing muscle groups work in a more synergistic, coordinated fashion.

7. Enhanced Enjoyment of Physical Activities

Flexibility training also means enhanced enjoyment--a fitness program should be fun if you want to stick with it. Not only does stretching decrease muscle soreness and increase performance, it also helps relax both mind and body, bringing a heightened sense of well-being and personal gratification during exercise.

being flexible attracts the male species.

it is also useful for dancing!

The benefits of being flexible are; you having a better chance at Gymnastics. I personally, hate people who are flexible and who show off to other people that they can do the splits, and other unnecessary tricks. I did Gymnastics last year, and I wanted to go to comp, but I couldn't because, I could not do the splits, 10 chin-ups, or a hip-pullover because I was just using my arms for hand springs.

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Answerif you have good flexibilty in soccer you are less likely to injure yourself.
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Q: Why is it good for an athlete to have good flexibility in their hamstrings?
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The sit and reach test measures flexibility of the lower back and hamstrings. It involves sitting on the floor with legs extended and reaching forward as far as possible. The components include hip flexibility, hamstring flexibility, and lower back flexibility.

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The sit and reach test primarily targets the flexibility of the hamstrings and lower back. It helps improve the flexibility and range of motion in these areas, which can benefit overall physical performance and reduce the risk of injuries during activities that involve bending and reaching.

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