I love doing Pilates on swiss ball
The advantages of doing pilates is not only the physical aspect of looking good but that it corrects postural alignment. Pilates can help improve the way you move and present yourself.
Pilates does not provide cardiovascular activity. Pilates is for flexibility and muscle strengthening. If you do Pilates, you need to design some cardiovascular activities into your workout.
How many calories burned while doing pilates depends on how long you do them, at what intensity you are doing them, and your current weight. On average you an expect to lose about 280 calories doing a beginners pilate workout.
There's something wrong with more than one of your ribs.
The broken hull exposed the shattered ribs of the grounded ship, lying askew in the shoals. My ribs hurt!
They should not hurt at all unless you have damaged them some way.
Doing any form of exercise can cause further injury to a knee. Pilates is no exception. Yoga would probably be a better choice for this situation.
Aerobics is a great form of cardio while Pilates will add to it strength, toning and flexibilty work.
This happened to me once and it was a torn muscle that was affecting my ribs. The cause of it was trampoline jumping.