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To know if we are normal,malnourished or obese

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Q: Why do we need to know about BMI?
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Calculate bmi for a broad shoulder man?

It's impossible to calculate BMI just by knowing whether someone is broad-shouldered or not. You need to know height and weight to calculate one's BMI

What is the BMI for a 140 pound person who is 65 inches tall?

to measure your bmi you also need to know your weight as bmi is your body fat based on height and weight. go to this site to mease your bmi

Why would a person need a bmi calculation done?

Are you the right weight for your height? It's important to know if you're the right weight for your height. This can be done by calculatating your BMI.

What is the BMI of a person that is 5'7?

You need the mass as well as the height to calculate the BMI.

If you are 13 and weigh 140 lbs are you obese?

If you want to know about your obesity level, you need to know your BMI index which depends on your height and weight and is independent of your age.

What BMI indicates good health?

Although the BMI formula for adults and children is the same, the way the results are interpreted differ. Therefore, what is considered a healthy BMI also differs. For adults, an ideal BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. A person with a BMI over 24.9 is considered overweight. A person with a BMI under 18.5 is considered underweight.

What ID do you need for bmi?

Height and weight.

What's the BMI for being too slim to need weight loss?

A bmi lower than 16 is too low. You don't need to lose weight at that number. A good bmi is about 18.5. Too high is 20.

How do you know that I am over weight?

you would have to find out you're BMI, from this you can see where ure BMI stands, as every person is different you need to calculate ure height and weight and the guide will tell you if you are over weight or under weight or just right

If you have a bmi of 20.5 do you need to lose weight?

No. 20.5 is on the underweight side of normal. A normal BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9.

How do you know you're obese?

According to the CDC, an adult with a BMI between 25 and 39.9 is considered overweight. An adult with a BMI 30 or higher is obese. Your primary care physician can help you calculate your BMI, or you can use an online BMI calculator.

What the regular weight for a 10 year old?

in order to figure this out u would need to know the heigt of the child then to figure it out just calculate his BMI