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They were just born that way.

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Q: Why do so many female fitness models have outie belly buttons?
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Related questions

Do hamsters have belly buttons?

Yes, hamsters do have belly buttons

Why do penguins have belly buttons?

they have belly buttons because they have them okii

Do all things have belly buttons?

Things generally don't have belly buttons. All placental mammals have belly buttons.

Is there any female celebrities have a same outie belly button as Kelly Ripa?

There are many female celebrities who have outie belly buttons similar to Kelly Ripa's, but it's not a common topic of discussion or something that is widely publicized. As belly buttons come in various shapes and sizes, it is possible that there are other celebrities with outie belly buttons similar to Kelly Ripa's.

Do gorrillas have belly buttons?

Yes in fact all mammals have belly buttons which is super fascinating but they are straight unlike our human belly buttons!

How come Chinese people don't have belly buttons?

Oh, but they do have belly buttons.

Do giaraffes have belly buttons?

Yes! all mammals have belly buttons. When we are growing in our mothers belly we are joint by an umbilical cord then when we have been born the umbilical cord gets cut and that is why we have belly buttons.

Does belly buttons grows on trees?

No, belly buttons do not grow on trees. Belly buttons are formed during fetal development in the womb and are not naturally found on trees or any other plant life.

Do your belly buttons started going in when you are pregnant how is your belly buttons supposed to look when you are pregnant?

When your pregnant your belly gets bigger,and your belly button just sticks out there.

Do alagaters have belly buttons?


Do squid have belly buttons?


Do pigs have belly buttons?

Yes, pigs, like other mammals, have belly buttons. A piglet's belly button is where the umbilical cord connected it to its mother for the exchange of nutrients during development in the womb.