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For many people it is a need to put more weight on the bar, for others, it is a need to over compensate. The answer to this is the same answer as to why any athlete does anything, or why anybody at all does anything, because they choose to, or they enjoy it.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Weightlifting is good for you for several reasons. It gives you more energy and wakes you up in the day. it also makes your body release more endorphins that make you feel happy and more testosterone that also makes us happy and more sexually active. It is perhaps the best form of exercise to increase bone density and also to strengthen ligaments, joints, tendons and muscles. due to these advantages weightlifting can seriously reduce your risk of injuries in heavy contact sports or just risky activities. weightlifting also increases your metabolism throughout the whole day so you will burn of more calories and fat. These are just a few of the reasons why weightlifting is good for you and everyone could benefit from it.

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14y ago
Benefits of weight trainingWeight training has beneficial effects on your bones, your connective tissues (ligaments and tendons), and your skeletal muscles. Moreover, if you weight train and eat properly, your percentage of body fat will decrease. All other things being equal, you will be healthier with a lower percentage of body fat than you would be with a higher percentage (as long as it does not get lower than about 4%).

In addition, doing your best physically during proper weight training sessions has significant psychological benefits. For more information about how to weight trainproperly, or alternatively how to build muscle and burn fat, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

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13y ago

you meet people at the gym, you look great, you feel great

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9y ago

1) Muscle building.

2) Injury prevention.

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Q: Why do people do powerlifting?
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When was Powerlifting USA created?

Powerlifting USA was created in 1977.

What is push-pull in powerlifting?

A powerlifting event that includes only the bench press and deadlift.

Can an eighth grader do powerlifting?

No of course not :)

What country was powerlifting first played in?

Powerlifting was actually first played in two countries, which are the US and the UK. It originated in the 1950s during the Olympic weightlifting sport.

Is weight lifting a national game?

Powerlifting, is what it is called, And yes it is a sport.

What colleges have major powerlifting teams?

The women's top 3 colleges with major powerlifting teams include University of Texas-San Antonio, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and University of Houston-Downtown. The top 3 men's colleges with major powerlifting teams include University of Texas-San Antonio, Louisiana Tech University, and Texas A&M University

Why powerlifting not in Olympics?

Because Olympic Lifting (i.e. Snatch and C+J) are considered the lifting events of the Olympics. This can be considered unfair because swimming events in the Olympics can give out to 102 medals (34 of which are gold). Why not have more medals given for for lifting events? Especially that Powerlifting and Olympic Lifting are very different. A problem with Powerlifting being put into the Olympics would be the rules of competeing. Would gear be allowed? What kind of gear? How will each lift be judged? There are many Powerlifting federations all with their own unique set of guidelines. It would be hard to come up with guidelines that would make everyone happy. Also, Powerlifting is an event in the Paralympics.

What is ironman powerlifting?

Ironman powerlifting is a term used to describe a push/pull meet that has either a strict curl or overhead press event added to it so that is now a three lift meet. Not to be confused with a regular powerlifting meet which has the squat, benchpress, and deadlift. Another version of the Ironman includes overhead press, deadlift, and strict curl again making it a three lift meet.

Was powerlifting included in the 2010 commonwealth games?

No, Power-lifting was not included in the 2010 Commonwealth Games.

What does powerlifting do?

Diminishes hormonal adaptations of muscle fibers and does not allow sufficient motor unit activation.

What sports are played by disabled people in Australia?

People who are disabled are able to play almost any sport. The Australian Paralympic Committee manages boccia, goalball, powerlifting, wheelcahir rugby, and winter sports. There is also a National Wheelchair Basketball League in Australia.

What sports are steroids banned from?

Clearly all sports. No sports allow use of steroids.