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It shows their muscle definition better along with a nice tan.

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Q: Why do bodybuilders oil themselves?
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Are there any gay female bodybuilders?

Of course, there are millions of bodybuilders so there has to be thousands.

How come bodybuilders never have any chest hair?

Body builders never have chest hair because they shave it off to make themselves look better

When was National Amateur Bodybuilders Association created?

National Amateur Bodybuilders Association was created in 1950.

How does smoking affect bodybuilders?

Smoking affects bodybuilders by decreasing their lung function and oxygen levels.

When was American Federation of Women Bodybuilders created?

American Federation of Women Bodybuilders was created in 1980.

Why do bodybuilders need an energy supplement?

Bodybuilders need supplements in a variety of reasons. One reason would be to help kick start the bodybuilders metabolism. This helps energy to be used by the body efficiently.

Why did the ancient Olympic compeitiors oil themselves?

they oil themselves so then they dont get to hot when they are fighting

What is the average size of an 18 year old bodybuilders bicep?

5'10" is the average size of an 18 year old bodybuilders bicep.

What gives bodybuilders bigger muscles?


How strong are female bodybuilders?

Not as strong as men!

Are most body builders gay?

Gays get attracted to bodybuilders easily and look at all bodybuilders as gays. So in that way it gets mis-propogated as bodybuilders are gays. But a real bodybuilder wont show interest in such matters and will continue to pursue his passion for the sport