Mostly, because they are. Male hormones give an extra boost to muscle growth, so more muscle, more strengh. There's plenty of other factors of course: speed of metabolism, general size, a tendancy to want to excercise more on average, really quite a lot of reasons.
Mark Henry (wwe superstar) And world strongest woman is AJ Lee (wwe Diva)
It is not true because it isn't a fact. they have a competition every year qualifying the worlds strongest man. he may probably be the strongest wrestler in WWE but he is Certainly not the strongest man.
Mark Henry is the worlds strongest man in the wwe
Žydrūnas Savickas of Lithuania, World's Strongest Man 2009.
Austin Schaad
Marius Puscianovski
Jesus Christ
It is Mark Henry
in 2010.
Bill Kazmaier
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