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Types of Strength Training Exercises

Static (isometric) exercise = muscle contraction without a change in the length of the muscle

Dynamic (isotonic) exercise = muscle contraction with a change in the length of the muscle

Concentric contraction = muscle applies force as it shortens

Eccentric contraction = muscle applies force as it lengthens

Types of Dynamic Exercise

Constant resistance = constant load throughout a joint's range of motion

Variable resistance = changing load to provide maximal resistance throughout a joint's range of motion

Eccentric loading = placing load on a muscle as it lengthens

Plyometrics = sudden eccentric loading and stretching followed by a concentric contraction

Speed loading = moving a load as rapidly as possible

Isokinetic exercise = exerting force at a constant speed against an equal force

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Q: Which type of strength training uses machines to increase muscle strength and endurance?
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Which type of strength training uses machine---generated forces to increase muscle strength and endurance?

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Which type of strength uses machine generated forces to increase muscle strength and endurance?

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What is the difference between speed training and endurance training?

endurance training is for strength and speed training is for leg muscle and fat burning

How does the intensity apply to muscular strength and muscular endurance training?

In general, the higher the intensity, the lower the duration. So, if you are training to increase muscular strength, it is often best to use between 1 and 5 reps per set. If you are training to increase muscular endurance, increase the duration of each set by increasing the time under tension. You can do this by doing each rep more slowly, by doing more reps, or both. .

What is kettle bell trainings?

Kettle bell training is a mixture of strength training and cardiovascular training. A kettle bell is a type of weight similar to a dumbbell. The kettle bell is generally used in a swinging motion to increase strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance.

Does eccentric training favor strength or size?

Eccentric training does favor strength. It does build more muscle strength and endurance than muscle growth.

What forms of endurance training other then aerobic endurance are involved in sport?

strength endurance is also another factor, enduring a specific load for a specific time.

How does the duration of training influence aerobic conditioning?

Aerobic conditioning is influenced by two things, intensity and duration. Duration will increase conditioning greatly, enhancing endurance as opposed to strength.

How does exercise increase the strength of diaphragm?

Intercostal muscles increase in strength due to being repeatedly used in exercise, so to strengthen them you will have to do endurance training. The stronger the intercostal muscles the more air you can inhale as they pull your rib cage out giving you a larger thoracic cavity.

What is muscle endurance and muscle strength?

Muscle strength is the ability to exert force on an object or through movement with the muscles. The ability to build muscular strength is largely due to genetics but age, sex, work ethic, and overall health have an impact as well. The main way to determine someone's muscular strength is through the use of an one repetition exercise at maximum weight. Take note that limb length can play a part in strength. For instance, someone with shorter arms will have an easier time bench pressing than someone with longer arms.Muscle endurance is the ability to exert a force repetitively or over an extended period of time. Training for endurance can have a negative impact on muscle strength unless some sort of resistance training is also included. To increase endurance one may increase the amount of repetitions or increase the amount of time of the exercise. A dramatic jump in repetitions can have more of an impact on strength rather than endurance and can increase chance of injury. Every jump in time spent training should be low enough to allow the body to adjust.

How can one improve the physical endurance of own body?

To improve physical endurance, one should slowly begin to increase the frequency, length and effort put into physical activity and training. Increase training and focus on cardio.

What are the 3 phases of fitness training?

Strength - muscles cardio - endurance flexibility - stretching of muscles