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Muscle Atrophy is the technical name for loss of muscle mass due to disuse, starvation, or disease.

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Q: Which exercise principle explains how muscles can lose strength and size if they are not worked?
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How do muscles get their strength?

Muscles get their strength from exercise.

How do you use the word strength in a sentence?

If you exercise everyday, you'll get strength, and muscles.

Why do intercostal muscles increase in strength during exercise?

the muscles of the diaphragm and intercostals increase in strength, allowing for greater expansion of the chest cavity.

What factors in addition to sex contribute to differences in clench strength in muscles?

Exercise and nutrition.

What the type of exercise for muscle strength?

By using your muscle you are strengthening them so all you have to do is use them to increase the strength of the muscles increase the load.

How does exercise increase the strength of diaphragm?

Intercostal muscles increase in strength due to being repeatedly used in exercise, so to strengthen them you will have to do endurance training. The stronger the intercostal muscles the more air you can inhale as they pull your rib cage out giving you a larger thoracic cavity.

How does exercise build muscle?

When you excercise, workout or whatever an acid is produced that basically damages your muscles. When your muscles try to recover from this they become larger from the scar tissue formed by the healing process this also explains the pain experienced the day after.

What does aerobic exercise do to your muscles?

Aerobic exercise means your muscles are getting exercised at a rate where the muscles are not being depleted of oxygen faster than the blood, from the heart and lungs, can supply it. This allows the muscles to work at maximum efficiency. Aerobic exercise will not reduce the strength, size or endurance of muscles, but it will not help increase them. To work on increasing those, exercise needs to be anaerobic/resistive: high load for short periods. It is best to combine resistive and aerobic exercise to achieve all round strength and fitness.

What principle focuses on working the core muscles first and then works other muscles?

Core exercise is important, because it help strengths the core muscles. Core muscle training will also strengthen other muscles during the training.

What are the effect of aerobic and resistance exercise on skeletal muscles and other body organs?

increases bone strength and denserty

When exercising to build muscular strength why is it important to exercise both muscles in a pair equally?

It is important because both muscle's are a pair, So they should both be exercised in a pair for the equal amount of strength in both muscles.

What is the recruitment principle of weight training?

The recruitment principle of weight training states that if you want to train a muscle (for size, strength, tone, endurance, etc), you have to "recruit" it during your workout. Your calves, for example, will not gain benefit from quadriceps lefts, because the calf muscles aren't recruited (used) in that exercise. The principle applies primarily in compound exercises, such as squats and deadlifts, that recruit multiple muscle groups in a single exercise. Proper form and technique mandates the amount of recruitment each muscle should get in a given exercise, in order to maximize gains and prevent injury.