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There isn't one really. I have started posting workouts but where I find exercises from is YouTube. I watch people on youtube and try my own variations. From that, you can make your own work out plan up.

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Q: Where to find free workout plan for women to use in the gym?
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Related questions

Where can I find the best workout?

There are many sites available that provide free workout plans. provides several options. The most important thing is to find a plan that incorporates things you enjoy doing. If you don't like to run, but do like to swim find a plan that incorporates swimming in your workout.

Is the Ronnie Coleman workout also for women?

The Ronnie Coleman workout plan is mostly geared towards men. However, it is possible for women to do this workout routine.

Is there a good beginner workout routine I should use?

A good place to start if you are a beginner looking for a good workout routine is here: This is written by a trainer who has provided a simple plan for both men and women for four weeks. It has extra information too which you may find useful such as what to do after your four weeks of working out plus meal plans to accompany your workout.

Where can I find a 90 day workout plan?

The P90X Workout is a 90 day plan that can be purchased on the internet. It is relatively expensive and complex and requires a serious commitment to exercise. Another is a plan by Good Housekeeping.

Where could a person find safe work out plans online?

Whether a workout plan is safe will tend to vary by individual: what is safe for one person may not for another person. However, on sites like Women's Fitness one will find workout plans that should be safe if used sensibly.

Where could one find a workout plan for strengthening the lower back?

There are a few places online to find workout plans for the lower back. One such website is Scooby's Work Shop, they provide a workout plan for strengthening the lower back muscles. Another website is The spine health website.

Where can I find a 2000 calorie diet plan online?

After looking for a 2000 calorie diet plan online I found that 'Changing Shape' offers a great diet plan. They offer a 'Nutrition Guidelines For Your Free Online Diet Plan'. They also offer free plans for Women and free plans for Men.

Where can I find some of the newer exercises for home?

There is a new home army workout. This is a military-style workout that is designed for you to do at home and help you get into shape as long as you follow the specific workout plan.

where can I find the JohnCena workout?

The website has a community section where people who have tried the John Cena workout discuss the pros and cons of it. This is helpful information for someone considering his workout plan.

When was The New Workout Plan created?

The New Workout Plan was created on 2004-08-31.

What is the best workout plan?

Your workout plan caters to your fitness goal. If you are aiming at fat-loss then your workout plan will differ from the one who needs to gain muscle mass. Also, your body type and medical history plays a crucial role in charting out a best workout plan for you. There is a exhaustive list of workout plans given at bodyandstrength

Where can I find a workout plan for women?

In this day and age, there are just as many, if not more exercise plans for women than there are for man. Any type of cardio is great for burning calories. I also personally know women who swear by Yoga and Pilates for weight loss, especially after giving birth.