There are several places one might be able to customize one's own bench cushions. One of the best sites to check is Cushion Source. One can also find a local upholsterer and commission a custom bench cushion. Lastly, one can make a custom bench cushion in one's own house.
You might be able to customize it or have it personally made. Otherwise, i think NO
Go to any specialized garden shop. These are the best places to get such bench. Your bench needs to be waterproof and resistant to changing weather conditions.
You may have to take the cushions to a furniture upholster in order to have them repaired. They will be able to provide you a more professional service and assist you in restoring the cushions to look new.
350 pounds---just kidding the guys 165 lbs soaking wet. He might be able to bench his weight, but people will live in the ground and breath dirt before Allen Iverson will bench 350
350 pounds---just kidding the guys 165 lbs soaking wet. He might be able to bench his weight, but people will live in the ground and breath dirt before Allen Iverson will bench 350
You should be able to atleast bench over 385.
You can customize shoes on
yes of course
A legit answer is unable to confirm yet. BUT, I am 98% sure you WILL be able to tune, repair, and customize cars on it.
The best way to get replacement cushions is through the original dealer that you purchased the sofa from depending on when you purchased and how long ago it was, you might still be able to get replacement cushions under the manufacturer's warranty. If you need the fabric on the cushions replaced, usual standard industry warranty for the fabric is one year from the date of purchase. If it is the seat cores--stuffing inside, then some factories will replace even after the first year. Check first with the dealer and they can let you know what options are available for you. Good luck!!
when you buy patio furniture sometimes they sell the cushions separate from the furniture itself, in that case yes you should be able to get a refund but if they are bought all as one then I don't think you would be able to get a refund.
you should be able to bench your own weight.