Google the Nordic track site, hit the link to customer service. Under model number type in "Gold Medalist" This should get you to a PDF down loadable version of the assembly manual. Regretably it includes nothing about workout programs.
Sears has parts available.;jsessionid=2k+aqLUXMipVbb04ToO9Wg**.pdapp402p2
try ebay! also, people are always selling these units on craigslist.
The best replacement beater for a KitchenAid mixer is the KitchenAid Flex Edge Beater.
You can find information about the nutrisystem flex on the internet, or by going to somewhere that sells the nutrisystem flex. You can also find information about it from friends.
You can find the Oakley Juliet Bridge flex coupler on Ebay and at repairs.
If its just the Flex pipe replacement it should not cost more than $120 with tax. I recently had mine replaced. -Gokul
Parts available for the Edge, Fitness Trainer, Flex, Freestyle, Freestyle Pro, Pacer, Power Plus, Sprinter, Sprint Master Elite, Supreme and 360 Total Body Trainer models. Please call 800-519-8061 and a representative will be happy to assist you. The hours are 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. EDT Monday to Thursday.
You can get a replacement part from RockAuto for about $65 and have it locally installed for under $100.
ford recommends replacement of the timing belt at 70 thousand miles the 2009 ford flex did not at least in California was not build with a timing chains.
In medical terminology, "flex" refers to the movement of a joint that decreases the angle between two body parts. It is the opposite of extension, which increases the angle between body parts. An example of flexion is bending the elbow or knee.
You can always buy one at a car parts store, or search online. You can get some at, or search Amazon for better deals, and they are reviewed by people who have them already.