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Q: When playing certain sports you muscular fitness increases which increases your metabolism. What will likely not increase during such sports?
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When Playing certain sports increases your muscular fitness which increases your metabolism. What will likely not increase during such sports?


What works by increasing activity in certain areas of the brain to increase concentration and wakefulness?

Orexin increases activity in certain areas of the brain to increase concentration and wakefulness. Orexin reacts with norepinephrine neuron receptors.

Works by increasing activity in certain areas of the brain to increase concentration and wakefulness?

Orexin increases activity in certain areas of the brain to increase concentration and wakefulness. Orexin reacts with norepinephrine neuron receptors.

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it doesn't :)p some times it does only in certain jobs and it increases it by about 25 percent.

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The difference between muscular strength and muscular endurance is a matter of what is measured for each. Muscular strength is measured by how much work a certain muscle (or set of muscles) is able to accomplish. Muscular endurance is measured by how much work a certain muscle (or set of muscles) is able to accomplish over a set length of time.

Sentence of metabolism?

Here is a sentence with the word metabolism, "There are certain enzymes that are essential for metabolism to take place." This is one of the digestive processes.