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right after they heal if they don't die first.

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Q: When can someone return to play after suffering heat stroke?
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Related questions

What should you do if someone is suffering from heat stroke?

Immediately request medical assistance and transport

What should you do if someone is suffering a heat stroke?

Immediately request medical assistance and transport

What should you do if you supect a casualty is suffering from heat stroke?

request medical assistance and transport

What is the suffering from heat called?

The suffering from heat is called heat stroke or heat exhaustion. Symptoms may include dizziness, nausea, headache, and rapid pulse. It is important to stay hydrated and seek shade or cooler areas to prevent heat-related illnesses.

What is a heat stroke and how is it dangerous?

it is when someone thinks that someone is really hot and they have a stroke in shock of their good looks

What should you do if you suppose a casualty is suffering from heat stroke?

immediately request medical assistance and transport

What signs should you look for which tell you that a person is suffering from heat stroke?

heavy breathing and light headedness

What should you do when a soldier is suffering from heat stroke?

Keep them out of the sun and put some after sun on them and make sure they get plenty to drink

What should you remind the Airmen to do when treating someone for heat exhaustion or heat stroke?

Remove from the hot environment.

Can you put water on someone who has heat stroke?

yes, but if they are too far gone you can not

What should you remind the airman to do when treating someone for heat exhaustion or heat stroke?

remove victim from heated area

What age groups does stroke affect?

Everybody... but i would say maybe the elderly and people suffering heat conditions have a higher percentile possibilty.