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Whey protein, and Prime, actually, take prime 6 times a day, until you run out, and i garentee you will be sastified with your strength gains and muscle gains, i was repping 115, for 5x5, my max was 145. 3 weeks later im repping 135 5x5 and i maxed 170 the other day.

all i did for my workout was 5x5 on decline, alternated weight inc db press(using I.E. 35/30lbs) 12,10,10, and 3xfailure on pushups.

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12y ago

Do not use post workout supplements before the exercise. A lot of times they contain things that digest/absorb better when your heart rate is pumping not slow.

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Good workout supplements are all over the place. You can check GNC at your local mall, and they can help you choose the best workout supplement suited for you.

Does the C4 pre-workout supplement contain creatine?

Yes, the C4 pre-workout supplement does contain creatine.

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Using a batch pre-workout supplement before a workout can provide benefits such as increased energy, improved focus, enhanced performance, and better endurance during exercise.

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Yes, C4 pre workout is a supplement that typically contains creatine, among other ingredients, to enhance athletic performance and energy levels before a workout.

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Intra workout is using a workout supplement during workout Pre Intra Post

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That depends entirely on the contents of your pre-workout supplement. You should always check with your doctor or nutritionist before taking, changing, or combining supplements.

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Yes it is but its overpriced.

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To create a pre-workout supplement at home, you can mix ingredients like caffeine, beta-alanine, creatine, and BCAAs in specific ratios. It's important to research each ingredient's benefits and potential side effects, and consult with a healthcare professional before trying a homemade pre-workout supplement.

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The purpose of a pre-workout supplement is to enhance physical performance during exercise by providing energy, focus, and endurance through ingredients like caffeine, creatine, and amino acids.

Is it possible to purchase a pump supplement without also buying pre-workout?

Yes, it is possible to purchase a pump supplement without also buying a pre-workout supplement. Pump supplements are designed to enhance blood flow and muscle pumps during workouts, while pre-workout supplements typically contain a variety of ingredients to boost energy and focus.

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