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The single most important thing you can do before exercising is stretching. If you do not properly stretch, you will not get the full benefit of your workout, unless your goal is to get injured. Always stretch before and after any strenuous activity for at least 15 minutes if possible.

Previous Contributors Have Said:You should get plenty to eat. An hour or so prior to weight training (if possible, its hard to do if you weight train early in the morning), you should have a high energy snack. Within two hours after weight training your body needs to be replenished with protein and good carbs. And of course, when weight training or doing any exercise regiment, you need to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
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Q: What should you do before and after weight training?
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Should you run before weight training?

No. Running before your weight training routine can exhaust you of all your energy and you may not be able to workout to your fullest capabilities. If you want to run, then you can push the running to past the weight training workout. This way you can both workout in best form and run.

Should you consult with a doctor before you begin weight training?

Yes its importnat to get a physical first

What should you eat before weight training?

I recommend a high-protein diet. But don't eat right before training an hour or two prior would be better.

Why is weight training good for your bones?

/This answer will need to be improved/ Before puberty starts, weight training is terrible for your bones.

What should I know before buying training equipment?

Before you buy training equipment you should know what your goals are. If you're looking to lose weight and increase cardiovascular health then you might want a treadmill or elliptical machine. If you're looking to build muscle on the other hand then you might want weight lifting equipment.

Should you do speed training before weight training?

The simple answer to the question is yes you can but it depends. Typically you should not do speed training before weights primarily because speed training should be done when you fresh (not fatigued) Doing weighs before will tire you. However, there is a training effect called "Potentiation" which basically mean that if you excite your muscles through weight training before you do a sprinting effort your muscle will produce more power than without the stimulation - more force means that you will run faster. Of course care has to taken with how heavy the weight is and the volume of the session.

Should you eat a Snickers bar to be strong for weight lifting?

no! drink a pre workout drink 1 hour before training

Is a weighted vest effective for quicker weight loss?

These vests are like are like any kind of weight training and you should consult a doctor before beginning to use them. Once you are cleared to use the vest, you should begin slowly and add weight over time. The addition of weight training helps build muscle, which burns more calories and enhances weight loss.

How old should a girl be before starting weight training?

I've always read that both girls and boys should be pretty much fully grown before doing any serious weight training because otherwise you could damage the growing bones and stuff. Doing really light weight training is probably different, like working out with 3 pound weights (for girls) or 5 lbs. for boys or something. I think the more intense weight work is better started later.

What is the suggested age to begin weight training?

I would say 17 or so before getting serious about training.

What kind of excersises should i do to get really strong and lose weight at the same time?

weight training