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its a really big turd :)

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Q: What shape silly band is this?
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What was the first silly band shape made?

A circle

Is a poodle a rare silly band?

you have a poodle silly band/banzie/shape band? those are the rarest of the rare! even more rare than the white dollar sign!

Is there a justin bieber silly band shape?

yes, you can find them in stores

What does a yellow silly band mean?

it dosent matter of its color it is its shape

How do how do you make silly bands with regular rubber bands?

I don't think you can make a silly band with a regular rubber band I think in the factory where they make silly bands they have a special machine to shape them. they only thing you going to get if you do make one a home is a circle. because that is the shape of the rubber band.

What shapes are in the hockey silly band pack?

if you havent notice they are in the shape of a triangle X)

What is the rarest silly band in NJ?

there is no rare silly band

What is a motorcycle silly band?

it is a silly band! Shaped like a motercycle...

How do you make silly bands with rubber bands?

To make Silly Bandz with rubber bands, you will need a rubber band, a cookie cutter in the shape you want, and a freezer. You put ther rubber band around a cookie cutter (use tape if needed) and put the cookie cutter in the freezer until the rubber band takes the shape of the cookie cutter.

What is the rarest silly band in Ohio?

The rarest Silly Band is the Egiptian Eye.

When was the first silly band made?

The first silly band was made in 2002

Is the tank silly bands rare?

It depends on where you live for the rarity of a silly band in New York the rarest silly band is a man sitting on a chair, or Virginia's rarest silly band is the Phoenix