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When working out, you stretch the muscle and break it down. Then by adding protein and amino acids the muscle will repair it self stronger than before.

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Q: What reaction builds muscle?
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Does walking on an incline build muscle?

Of course it does. If walking builds muscle then walking at an incline builds muscle. Different muscles will be worked at different angles.

A reaction that builds?

a chain

WhAt type of reaction is building muscle tissue?

In physiology any process that builds up a tissue (whether it be muscle or bone or fat etc.) is called anabolic (as in "anabolic steroids", which build muscle). The opposite is catabolic, which refers to those processes that break down tissue.

When does the body build muscle?

After you work out, you rip muscle tissue and your body builds the muscle back. Thus, forming muscle on top of muscle.

What happens when you consume lots of protein?

Protein builds muscle, and muscle burns fat.

How do proteins benefit the body?

Builds Bone and muscle

What is the reaction that breaks down bredisaccharides polysaccharides fats and proteins?

A condensation reaction builds them up while hydrolysis breaks them down into their constituent parts.

What reaction builds one large molecule by combining multiple molecules?

This is a polymerization reaction.

When fermentation occurs in muscle cells muscle fatigue is called by the production of?

Lactic acid builds up and causes muscle burn.

What makes muscles?

The muscles may be either striated (as a skeletal muscle) or smooth (like gastric muscle).

How do meats help the body?

it builds up muscle and bone in the body

Does cardio prevent muscle building?

No, it promotes it. It builds muscle in your legs as well as your heart. Your arms get a small workout as well