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Deadlifts use most of the muscles in your body in some capacity, though the primary muscles involved in concentric contraction are:

  • Hamstrings
  • Glutes (butt) and
  • to a small extent - Calves

and isometric contraction:

  • Wrists
  • Core muscles
  • Upper back (Trapezius)
  • Lower back (Erector Spinae)

A wider foot stance will recruit the hips and legs more while a narrower stance focuses on the lower back. Deadlifts are also one of the best ways to improve grip, as long as you don't use straps and use a pronated grip with as heavy a weight as you can.

Deadlifts, along with squats (both with the barbell, of course), are widely considered to be the best exercises you can perform in terms of building mass, bone density, balance, and posture. In other words, if you're not doing these exercises, you're wasting your time in the gym.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Although a compound exercise involving a variety of muscle groups, the deadlift primarily works the lower region of the back (erector spinae). It however also involves the thigh (quadriceps), hamstring (femoral) and gluteus maximus (posterior) muscles. Still other muscle groups are recruited as stabilizers when one performs deadlifts.

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12y ago

It depends on the technique you use to perform them. Traditionally, straight leg deadlifts use lumbar flexion and extension so the primary mover is the erector spinae muscle of the back, with the glutes contributing as well. The hamstrings act isometrically.

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Lvl 10
1y ago

A hip-dominant exercise called the deadlift targets the glutes, hamstrings, core, back, and trapezius muscles. Deadlifts are a good exercise to include in a fitness plan since they engage so many different muscle groups.

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13y ago

Every muscle there is a workout for every muscle

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10y ago

It works the entire body but it primarily targets your lower back and legs.

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What muscles of the low back do the deadlift train?

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