better than what? At what? Shrinking testicles? The best Bulking steroids to get you big fast, are Testosterones, like sustanon 250, enenthate, cypionate, propionate, and suspension - Anadrol - Dianabol - Deca durabolin - Equipoise - Trenbolone Enenthate and trenbolone acetate - and finaplex - as well as many others...
Anabolic Steroids
No steroids are given to dairy cows.
why use steroids? they are very dangerous and can cause death if you dont do anthing about it
Steroids slowly lower your testosterone levels causing you to kind of go through a 'female' puberty.
Even without steroids Arod is much better.
yes, steroids can relieve some kind of pains. but the side-effects are much more than advantages!!
rey is better.batista took steroids
A balanced, healthy diet is better, unless you plan on getting giant muscles. A diet with no steroids probaby won't be enough for giant muscles, but it will prevent the problems associated with steroids.