One process is that lactic acid in the cytosol is converted back to pyruvic acid which enters the Krebs cycle, producing ATP. The ATP created in process 1 is used to rephosphorylate creatine into creatine phosphate.
Glycogenesis is the process of restoring depleted energy reserves after exercising. The amount of glycogen supplied can last 30 to 90 minutes depending on the length and intensity of the workout.
A balanced diet is really important for an active person because when you excersise your body uses its energy reserves. And when these reserves are depleted you must restore them with good, nutrient rich food...that's about the simplest way to describe the process. Cheers.
Work-in-process inventory.
Backup is the process of making sure there is another copy of each file in case there is a disaster. Restoring is the process of bringing back a copy of a file or directory, etc., from the backup media.
The process of repairing and restoring a vehicle back to its original state is referred to as automotive restoration. Through this process, one reverts one's vehicle to its original, authentic state, without any updating or upgrades.
The company is in the process of restoring the historic building to its original grandeur.