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1235 lbs. by Austin Schroeder of North Carolina. This is the most weight without drugs such as steroids. The answer with drugs is unknown.

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13y ago

well i am 17 and i can squat over 650 so i think that is one of the highest

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Q: What is the most weight ever squatted by a teenager?
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What is the most weight ever squatted?

1235 lbs. by Austin Schroeder of North Carolina

Is Selena Gomez most prettiest teenager ever?

definetly :)

What is the ideal weight for a 13 year old who is 5'0?

95-115 is the most healthy weight but as a teenager you are growing so a little over is alright

How safe are diet solutions for a teenager?

Teenager's have to be very careful when dieting, there bodies and muscles are still developing, most teens have high metabolism's and if they are active, they will usually lose weight naturally.

Who is the most popular teenager in the world?

Justin Bieber is a very famous teenager.

How do you know that you are a teenager?

If your most recent birthday was your 13th or greater, and you have not yet celebrated your 20th birthday, you are most assuredly a teenager.

What is the maximum weight man can legally lift?

Weight lifting is not illegal, but the most weight ever lifted was by Louis Cyr. He lifted 4,175lbs onto his back.

What is the most weight ever deadlifted?

It was 1200 by Jake Mayo, he lives in san antonio texas.

What is the most weight ever lost by a human?

890 Pounds by a man named Exodus Theodor.

Is it unhealthy for a teenager to have a resting pulse that is always between 110 and 125?

sometimes, it depends on their siz... over weight or skinny or jut right. over weight, it. well, most over weight children have a hard time breathing because there is a lot of un-wanted fat in the lungs.

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What is the riders weight limits for 11 hands high Welsh Pony.?

well the most a horse should ever carry is 20% of their body weight