Your mother farted
um. . . not without seroids
Ben Jones holds the squat record for UGA, with a lift of 810 pounds.
a high school transcript
Record what you do and monitor your progress, not hard is it.
a high school transcript
who holds the 120yard high hurdles record in tennessee
a high school transcript
The official record of a high school student's performance is called a transcript. If you need a copy of your transcript, contact your high school's administrative office. If you need certified transcripts, then they must be mailed directly from your school to the person or institution that needs them.
KEITH MARSHALL OF MILLBROOK HIGH SCHOOL RUNS A 4.25 40 Squat: 455 Power Clean: 250 Bench: 265 Incline: 240
It depends the high school. You should call the school and investigate it.