incline bench press
incline bench press
incline dumbbell press best chest exersize to do
No special clothing is needed for the incline press, just wear something that you are confortable in and gives you freedom of motion.
It's kind of a cross between the bench press and shoulder press. It works the clavicular head of the pectorals harder than the bench press. But it is really just an assistance exercise to the two mentioned.
on impact there was a clip of him incline benching 400lbs
Cassey Hampton holds the team record for max bench press
In his interview, Dorian says how he didn't believe the bench press was an effective exercise for pec development. He preferred decline and incline bench presses, I remember in a video of him training he did a work set of 6 unassisted incline presses with at least 405 so I would say his regular bench was hypothetically around 500.
He had a Bulldogs Bench Press record of 140 Kg for 3 reps
Markus Ruhl's best bench press record is at 600 lbs.
Gene Rychlak had the heaviest bench press at 1010 pounds.