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* The best post work out meal (as of now) studies show is 20-40g of protein and 40-100g of carbohydrates. === === * From what I've learned, and from what I've experienced the best protein source would be a fast digesting source such as a whey protein supplement, and the carbohydrates should be high glycemic complex carbs such as rice cakes or a rice based cereal, bagels, white rice, etc. The purpose of the protein consumption post workout is to get amino acids to the muscles as fast as possible for repair and hopefully growth. The absolute fastest way to do this is to supplement with Branch Chain Amino Acids immediately after you workout along with glutamine. These will be absorbed very quickly, after a half hour then go ahead and hae your protein and carb meal. == == == == * I'm not sure where I just recently read about recent new studies on this issue: I think it was a Netscape link to a men's health article. The article mentioned that for years, the prevailing opinion was proteins. But recent studies revealed that the best meal post weight training session was heavy on complex carbohydrates. === === === === * Protein is still needed as it provides the base building blocks for muscle growth, the exact ratio of protein to carbs is debateable, depending on who you ask. ---- For more information, see the page links, further down this page, listed under "Related Questions."

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

You should eat foods that have protein. I personally make my own protein shake, it includes 2 cups of milk, 1 banana, 2 scoops of peanut butter, 1 raw egg, and a drop of honey for taste, I swear it sounds nasty but its the best tasting thing and oh yea you blend them all together, you will end up getting about 40-45grams of natural protein.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

The best pre-workout meal would contain 30-60 grams of complex carbs and 30 to 50 grams of protein. The complex carbs could come from wheat bread, oatmeal, sweet potato or brown rice to name a few. Protein for this instance is good to use a shake. From the research I have seen whey is a good choice for this time. Hope this helps.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Without doubt, Goat Milk; cow's milk is composed of only two, very crude amino acids, goat milk though, is composed of the same amino acid chain your muscles are made of, meaning, your body does not have to go through the trouble of extracting it. See, you have complex protein, and you have crude protein; crude protein, is difficult for the human stomach to extract. Take for example cat food; if you eat it, you will likely get sick, and spend a good deal of time sitting on a toilet, and possibly you may even experience symptoms of food poisoning, even if you cook it. Your cat's stomach, because its a predator, can extract that protein just fine, yours though can't. Humans need "ready made" protein, which is found primarily in fish, poultry, eggs, and of course the various varieties of milk, the best ones being cow's and goat's, goat's being the better of the two because as I said, the same amino acid chains human muscle is made of, goat milk is made of. Goat's milk is basically muscle in a glass. If you do not believe me, you can consult the FDA's official site yourself, and compare. Also, regarding meats, chicken is considered better than beef, because chicken is "clean" meat, whereas cow's meat is "dirty" meat. Let me explain; a cow's liver is not as good as extracting toxins as a chicken's liver is. As a general rule, the larger the animal, the unhealthier the meat. It boils down to simple common sense; a larger animal will have more toxins floating around in its body, than a smaller one. More food, equals more toxins, less food, less toxins. Part of the reason pig meat is particularly unhealthy, is because pigs will eat food mixed with their own sh**. There is a reason, pork is forbidden in Judaism you know, and there is a reason we call disgusting people "pigs." Of course that was the case prior to the 20th century and sanitary laws; modern day pig farmers keep pigs well away from their own feces when they feed them. Prior to the 20th century though, pig meat was CRAWLING with toxins, among other things. Its perfectly safe now, but it wasn't always so. Its still a bad idea to eat it though, because its protein content is low. Chicken and lamb meat is considered best, because both those types of meat are relatively toxin free, its the same with fish, specially Tuna. However, unless you like the idea of eating the meat of an animal that devours its own feces mixed with its food, I would suggest, not eating a pig raised in a third world country, where they still use primitive farming methods. If in doubt, at least ask. Once again, dietary laws forbidding the consumption of pork, in Islam and Judaism, exist for a VERY good reason. When eating a pig, when eating pork, you are literally putting sh** into your mouth. At least that is the way it was prior to 20th century sanitation laws. After reading this bet you'll never see a pepperoni Pizza the same way again.... All the same, all the same; lamb and chicken meat, is generally considered "clean" meat. Pig meat has low protein value, even well fed, even kept away from its feces, cow's meat, beef, is full of toxins because a cow's liver is not a very efficient machine, it does not extract it all. Cows release much of their toxins by noisily releasing gas; its part of the reason they are a source of pollution. The liver doesn't get it, their intestines do, and it is released in gas form, at least much of it in addition to vast quantities of methane. The best kind of beef, is lean, red meat; the lower the fat content, the less the toxins. Problem with lean red meat though, is that you need to literally drown it in herbs and garlic to get any flavor out of it, its not very popular, because its flavorless. That's the trade off; get regular beef and it tastes great but you are polluting your body with toxins, in addition to giving a fat injection, hell Burger King burgers are shots of pure grease. Get lean meat, and its toxin free but it doesn't taste like anything. Your best sources of protein that taste great, are chicken, preferably the herbed kind if you can get it, rotiserie chicken, fish, tuna, but, immediately after a workout the best thing to consume is goat milk. Word of warning though; goat milk has lower levels of lactose than cow's, so it tastes like liquid cheese. Its not "bad," but it IS an acquired taste if you did not grow up with it. [[User:|]]stardingo747

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βˆ™ 12y ago

You should eat and drink protein so your muscles can recover and grow stronger

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βˆ™ 13y ago

a healthy protein shake with simple sugars and some complex carbs.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

orange or Orange Juice feed the muscles athesium but you have to keep drinking your muscles will be too used to the Atheism and will cramp and pain

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Protein and simple carbohydrates

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βˆ™ 13y ago

anything high in protein will be good

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Q: What is the best meal after weight lifting training?
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ASAP. After exercise and weight training your body is in the anabolic window. This window lasts about 45 mins after your workout. Especially after weight training, the meal should consist of fast and slow digesting proteins, such as whey and casein.

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A meal plan should consist of plenty of water, protein, and fiber to help you continue to lose weight and build muscle mass. Weight training and strength training should also be added.

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Yes you want a diet high in protein to help you build muscle.

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In order to lose weight you must reduce your caloris intake and also exercise. More information about the free meal by meal weight loss plan is availabe at:

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This is a good question, and there is no one answer that works well for everyone. So, experiment and see what works best for you. It depends a lot on your age and ability to recover from exercise as well as on how hard you are doing weight training and running.If you do cardio on an empty stomach before your first meal of the day, you will burn more fat than doing the same amount of cardio later in the day. Therefore, it might be a good idea to do your cardio before breakfast and to do your weight training in the afternoon.Incidentally, ANY running will cut into your gains from weight training. For that reason, it might be better to combine weight training and milder cardio such as brisk walking. That's the combination used by most serious bodybuilders and fitness models.

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if you use it as a meal replacement you will lose weight but if you drink it with every meal you will gain weight it's all about calories in - calories out get it !

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if you want to look like a goddess, it's time to kick the guys off the squat rack, grab some free weights and lift heavy. Here is a 4-week program complete with weight lifting, cardio and a meal plan designed to get you started on your journey to a divine body in no time!